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About us

​  The Congregational Church was one of the first permanent churches to exist in the Amery, WI region.  We were founded in 1891 when Congregational church workers and Seminary students arrived in Amery from Oberlin College, in Ohio, and began revival meetings in a tent. Religious services had been held in a lumber yard office, a school and in Shaffner's Hall. By late September of 1891 a church building was being constructed.  Since that time we have been in continual ministry to the Amery region at this very same address.

   We are members of the United Church of Christ, from one of its founding branches, the Congregational Church, yes, of the "Pilgrim and Mayflower fame", who believe strongly in local church autonomy and in the power of the individual congregation to set policy and to determine the congregation's direction and ministry.

   We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  We believe that Jesus is the sole head of the Church, which is His body. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the Holy Spirit works with us as we read and interpret holy scriptures.  We believe in two sacraments, Baptism (infant and adult/believers) and in Holy Communion, which is open to all believers in Jesus Christ. We believe that we are a free church, whereby each congregation is responsible for setting their faith and practices, and beliefs.  We believe that children and families need special help and care in our world.

Mission Statement

"We are a family of faith, dedicated to the mission of making disciples, spreading Good News and baptizing in the name of Jesus Christ."

Land Acknowledgement 

As part of recognizing our past and embracing our future our church has written a land acknowledgement which is below.


“We, the members and friends of Amery Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ, would like to acknowledge the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Ojibwe Nation, including the St Croix Chippewa tribes that were the original inhabitants of this land now called Amery, Wisconsin.

For generations, the Ojibwe Nation stewarded the lands and waterways of what is now the Northwest Wisconsin.  We seek to honor and respect the enduring relationship that exists between these peoples and nations and this land. We acknowledge the hardships and challenges they have endured throughout the history of this land as it was settled, fought over and taken by our ancestors. We acknowledge the suppression, dispossession and oppression these peoples have and continue to experience as unjust and inhuman. We as a people of God acknowledge all peoples of all races and ethnicities as beloved children of God. We pledge to continue to work toward creating a world that reflects God’s hopes for God’s Children and the building of the kin-dom of God upon the Earth. 

© Copyright Congregational Church in Amery. all rights preserved.

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